Material and Specification :
Nato NSN Code
VG-Norm discript.
Operating Temp.
: Cu/Sn
: 6150270691113 to 67
: VG96936-10:2007-10
: VG96936T10A001A-A007A
: -65°C to +150°C
AC-4500 Flexible EMI Cable Shielding

Technical Document
- High screening efficiency and low surface transfer impedance values with computer optimization and Quality control automation
- Average nominal optical closure 99%, minimum or value 93%
- High expansion and contraction ability with super elasticity
- Plastic Former that can be easily removed and used as a guide
- In addition to facilitating the installation of PVC guide hose, it provides protection of the EMI cable shielding braid form.
- It is produced in 11 different diameters from 3mm to 40mm.
- Supplied on standard reels in maximum two pieces.
- It is suitable for cable screening in military standards.